8th Grade IP

Tell me which of your three versions was the most effective--that is, which conveyed your information in the best way.  Why was it the most effective version?  How did writing three versions of your outline affect your understanding of the goal of your paper?
anthony h.
2/9/2010 11:41:42 pm

I think that my first outline was the best one because it went in order of early life to late life. Haveing to make more than one way to do it helped me better understand how to do an outline.

Drew E.
2/9/2010 11:45:00 pm

I think that my third outline was the most effective for me. The third one was the best because it was the most detailed and it really went through what she did throughout her life a lot better than the first and second outlines.

Lauren B.
2/9/2010 11:45:32 pm

The first outline that I made was the most effective because it was in chronological order and it made the most sense. Making more than one outline helped me understand outlines better and be more organized.

Claire G
2/9/2010 11:46:25 pm

My first version was the most effective because it was in the order of things that happened in my character's life. It made more sense because it flowed better. It helped me understand, because it showed the way that the outline makes more sense if it is in the order of things that happened in her life.

2/9/2010 11:57:56 pm

My first outline was the best because I had already done it and it made sense.

2/10/2010 12:00:51 am

the bullet point one worked the best becuse it was the simplest yet it let me explain the most

2/10/2010 12:01:18 am

I thought the one I wrote in language was the best because I already wrote it and I didn't have to make multiple ones. So it took less time.

Jack S.
2/10/2010 09:40:28 pm

The first one was the best because it was easy

Tristan B.
2/10/2010 09:44:10 pm

I thought that my first outline was the most effective. Doing three outlines helped me understand the different ways that I could have done it.

Joshua B.
2/10/2010 09:44:24 pm

The first one I wrote was the best because it explained the details of my character the best.

2/10/2010 09:45:11 pm

The first Outline because it had more details

Sarah N.
2/10/2010 09:45:23 pm

I found my first outline was the one that worked the best. It was the most efficient for the information I have. Writing three outlines allowed me to see different points that I needed to bring out when I write my paper.

Tabby H.
2/10/2010 09:45:58 pm

The first one was the best because I compiled my thoughts very well in it.

Elijah J.
2/10/2010 09:46:57 pm

i think that the first outline was the best. The others were good I just think that the first outline could compile more details and was more useful.

Shelby L.
2/10/2010 09:47:16 pm

My first copy was the most effective because the way it was laid out made sense, and covered all of the main points in a orderly fashion.

Madeline F.
2/10/2010 09:47:23 pm

My first outline was a lot better than the other outlines. I thought the best way to write my paper was the first way I did it. Writing three helped me understand that I could write it different ways and make it work.

Tabby H.
2/10/2010 09:47:30 pm

(continued) Making three outlines showed me how I could arrange my paper in different ways.

Kate M.
2/10/2010 09:51:13 pm

my first outline was the best out of my three outlines. It was the most detailed and had the better arrangement. Writing the three outlines did help me realize what I wanted in my outline and what I could do to rearrange it.

Anna S.
2/10/2010 09:51:25 pm

I thought my first outline was better. I chose that outline because the order made more sense to be and worked better towards my purpose.

Hannah B.
2/10/2010 10:01:05 pm

I think my first one was better because the setup of each category was in chronological order.

Madison K.
2/10/2010 10:04:59 pm

I think that my first outline was better because I had it in chronological order and I think that is the best way to write a paper.

Leah G.
2/10/2010 10:05:43 pm

I liked my first outline the best because I planned it first and it had my best intentions. I liked the Biblical integrations throughout.

Austin S.
2/10/2010 10:07:39 pm

I am perfect and if you think differently then tell it to my face.

Jamie h
2/10/2010 10:10:51 pm

I think that the first outline was the best because it went from beginning to the end!

Austin S.
2/11/2010 09:39:52 pm

i am definaitly not perfect

Austin S.
2/11/2010 09:40:38 pm

i smell funny and hate others

Austin S.
2/11/2010 09:41:06 pm

modern warfare 2

Nathan W.
2/11/2010 09:42:31 pm

I like the the first version because I'm most use to it. I LIKE THE FIRST ONE@!

Kameron T.
2/11/2010 09:46:17 pm

I like the first one because I'm use to it more.

2/14/2010 02:25:33 pm

Ummm... definatly my first one because it was in the order her life was...so, yeah.

2/15/2010 05:05:39 am


12/27/2010 10:24:55 am

I am grateful to you for sharing this information.


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    8th Grade IP

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    Romans 12:1-2


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